The Importance of Creating a Preview Page in Blogger
When it comes to downloading Blogger templates, users often face a dilemma. They want to ensure that the template they choose matches their needs and expectations, but they don't want to waste time downloading and testing multiple templates. This is where a preview page comes in – a crucial element allowing users to see a template before downloading it.
Why Create a Preview Page?
A preview page is vital in helping users make informed decisions about the templates they download. By providing a sneak peek into the template's design, layout, and features, a preview page enables users to:
- - Ensure the template aligns with their blog's content and vision
- - Avoid wasting time downloading and testing unsuitable templates
- - Make informed decisions about the template's customization options
How to Create a Preview Page in Blogger
Creating a preview page in Blogger is a straightforward process. Here's a step-by-step guide:
Step 1: Create a New Page
- Log in to your Blogger account and navigate to the Pages section.
- Click on the New page button.
- Enter a title for your preview page (e.g., "Preview Page").
- Set the page type to Web page.
Step 2: Add the Preview Page Code
- From within the page you created, click on the HTML tab.
- Copy the following code and paste it into the page:
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transition: all .4s ease-out;
margin-right: 5px
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outline: 0;
border: 0;
background: rgba(230, 230, 230) url(;
transition: background-color .15s ease,background-position .15s ease
.responsive .btn_responsive.desktop {
background-position: 0 -30px
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background-position: 0 0
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.responsive .btn_responsive.iPad:hover,.responsive {
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.responsive {
background-position: -60px -30px
.responsive,.responsive {
background-position: -60px 0
.responsive {
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Preview page link generator tool:
Step 3: Save and Publish
- Click Save to save the changes.
- Publish the page to make it visible to the public.
By following these simple steps, you can create a preview page in Blogger that showcases your template in action. This will help users make informed decisions about downloading your template, ultimately leading to a better user experience.